Can Price Match
New textbooks (purchase)
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other qualified US sellers
In-store purchase or pickup in store for online orders
Exact same textbook - same ISBN
Cannot Price Match
Any rentals, used, digital books, or access codes
Unqualified sellers (including peer to peer selling)
Ship to address online orders
- We will price match new textbooks (purchased) from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other qualified US sellers.
- Price match not available on third-party sellers on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc, online marketplaces, auction sites, direct from publisher, aggregator sites.
- Matched books must be in stock both in our store and with the competitor.
- Matched books must be available to ship immediately from vendor/competitor.
- Does not apply to any rental, used, digital books, access codes, international editions, and instructor copies.
- Must present lower price within three days of purchase (in store) or pickup (online order).
- Lower price must be shown in-store via live web page on mobile device or computer.
- Must have original purchase receipt. Reprinted receipts are not eligible for price match.
- Price match received in the form of a University Book Store gift card at the Textbook Service Counter.
- Maximum $100 per item and $1000 per customer.
- Must be the exact same textbook and ISBN number.
- Exclusions:
- Prices that require minimum quantity purchases
- Misprinted or inaccurate prices
- Prices from auctions or requiring memberships
- Special orders
- Promotional discounts
- Amazon limited time deals